Wednesday, April 7, 2010


pisang emas di bawa belajar,

masak sebiji di atas peti.

hutang emas boleh di bayar

hutang budi di bawa mati...

so nie di katogorikan hutang "emas "

aku kena bayarlah ......

1. How old were you when your first child was born?

2008.. tie was 24 y.(so young)...

2. What month and year was your youngest child born?

I have a TWO Princess .. My little princess 1 ,Born on 02nd of May 2008 .

MY little Princess 2 , Born 24st of Sept 2009

3. How did you feel when you first found out you were pregnant?

Nervous, I stail Young....

4. Who did you tell first?

My husband - dia buat bodo je...macam xada apa2...

5. How many pounds/kg did you gain during your first pregnancy?

Start with 39kg and last with 45kg

6. What did you crave while you were pregnant?

Morning Kiss yang teruk...sampai masuk Hospital 1 week...silap pembetulan Morning sickness..

7. Did you find out the gender of your first child? Why or why not?

I dream the first is BOY...but My Hubby dream for a GIRL.

(biasalah xada adik beradik perempuan).

for 8 month scan ...memang sah Myhubby yang menang...Girl

8. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy?
The 1st Princess: x rasa apa sebb I c-rer.
The 2nd Princess: Sakit Perut ...mcm kena cucuk dgn pisau ...

9. How much did your first Weight?
2.8 kg

10. Was your first child early, late, or on time?
1 week early to due date

11. What is the most difficult challenge or health issue that any of your children have faced?
masa pantang : Kembung Perut (angin masuk) lepas pantang: deman selalu..

12. What's your favorite part of being a mom?
boleh suruh buat kerja .....n muda-muda dah jadi mak....

13. Do you think it's easier to be a mom or a dad?
Mama...aku nie jenis xtahan sabar...tambah2 waktu malam...
anak x nak tidur ...aku buat x tau je...

14. What is the best piece of advice you could give to someone who is about
to have their first child?
Good Luck !!

15. Did you always think you'd have kids?

16. What's been the biggest surprise about motherhood?
Suprise that his poop is more BUSUK than mine..

17. Are there things you miss about life before kids?
I miss shopping...jalan-jalan and Date with my Hubby.

18. How many children do you have?

19. Do you plan to have any more children?
Yes.. but no time....bagi anak besar dulu...

20. Who's the mom that you admire most?
My mum, my auntie (Maksu) of course...
And I would like to tag my frens..
1)Kak Suria(ex UNITAR )


Zalia Hezlin Abolah Zawawi said...

Laki ko yang bagi morning kiss ke?

Mama Atie said...

silap tulis la kak zalia....he..he...tie dah perbetul dah


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